Welcome to the Louisiana Gastroenterology society |
Find a physicianLooking for a Louisiana Gastroenterology member in your area? Check Our member directory for top physicians that are members of the La GI Society. | LGS ConferenceThe annual LGS/ACG regional conference takes place annually every spring in New Orleans. Upcoming dates and location for the next conference are being determined. | Join LGSPhysicians looking for updates on legislative and regulatory developments, on either a national or state level, that area of interest to doctors and patients should consider membership. Joining LGS ensures your voice will be heard in both State and National issues. |
Why choose an LGS Physician?Members of the Louisiana Gastroenterology Society promise to adhere to the following goals to ensure consistent education advancement for doctors and the highest level of care for our patients.
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Education and research.
Discounts and member-only events. |